Registering your will can ensure that your estate is distributed according to your preferences.
Registering your will is simple – fill out the form on our website to get started.
We retain a copy of your will in our records along with the location of your original.
Registering is important because estate planning documents are often prepared many years in advance of when they are needed. Lawyers retire and firms close, people move and things get lost. When a family is unable to find a will, the law presumes the will was revoked. This has a massive impact on your friends and family.
Your estate will be distributed according to government laws including the formula enacted into law. Your wishes won’t decide how to handle your estate.
Searching for a will is an important step before administering anyone’s estate.
Due Diligence and Research– If you are an executor of an estate and you do not properly look for a will, you can be held liable if you incorrectly administer an estate. A Search Certificate from will registries can serve as proof that you took effective steps to find all relevant documents.
Fast – Search queries are fast and take less than a minute.
Fees Covered By Estate – Our search fee is $99 and this cost can be disbursed to the estate. This means you do not need to cover the cost personally.